Terms and Conditions.

Responsible is:

Said Zejjari
Tribschenstrasse 38
6005 Luzern

Telefon: +41 764 60 65 60
E-Mail: info@pilatusweb.ch
WebSite: https://www.pilatusweb.ch

1. Conclusion of Contract
The conclusion of the contract occurs through the acceptance of the offer made by the company regarding the provision of services, products, or licenses by the customer. The contract also comes into effect when the customer uses or purchases the services offered by the company or uses the company’s products (license).

2. Prices
Unless otherwise stated in offers, all prices are in Swiss Francs (CHF). All prices are exclusive of any applicable value-added tax (VAT).

3. Payment
The customer is obligated to pay the invoiced amount within 30 days from the invoice date. Unless the amount has already been paid by the customer during the ordering process via credit card, PayPal, or other payment systems.
If the invoice is not paid within the aforementioned payment period, the customer will be reminded. If the customer does not settle the invoice within the specified reminder period, they will automatically be in default. From the moment of default, the customer owes default interest at a rate of 5%. The company reserves the right to demand advance payment at any time without giving reasons. Offsetting the invoiced amount with any claims of the customer against the company is not permitted. In case of default in payment, the company reserves the right to refuse the provision of services, delivery of the product, or granting of the license.

4. Liability
Liability for any indirect damages and consequential damages is fully excluded. Liability for direct damages is limited to the amount of the service, product, or license acquired by the customer. This limitation of liability does not apply to direct damages caused by gross negligence or intent. The customer is obliged to report any damages to the company immediately. Any liability for partners is fully excluded.

5. Confidentiality
Both parties undertake to treat all information submitted or acquired in connection with the services confidentially. This obligation remains in force even after the termination of the contract.

6. Applicable Law / Jurisdiction
These terms and conditions are subject to Swiss law. Unless mandatory statutory provisions take precedence, the court at the company’s registered office shall have jurisdiction.